Vegas Dealers 1 on
The Travel Channel
The Travel Channel visits Casino
Gaming School as Nick Kallos
hosts a competition between his top three dealing students.
The winning student, Daniel, auditions as a blackjack dealer at
the Sunset Station Casino in Las Vegas.

Nick Kallos, owner of
Casino Gaming School, explains
how casinos hire dealers based on their performance
during auditions in live casino games.

Nick explains the rules
of the competition. The student
who performs the best in shuffling, pitching and chip handling
will receive an audition at the Sunset Station Casino.

Nick demonstrates a
perfect casino-style card shuffle.

Daniel, the winning
student, arrives at the Sunset Station
Casino accompanied by Nick Kallos. As they approach the
blackjack pit, Nick offers some last minute auditioning tips.

Daniel demonstrates his
dealing skills as Jeff, the floor
person at Sunset Station Casino, and Nick Kallos look on.

Nick gives Daniel some
advice during the game and
reminds him to smile during the audition.

Jeff tells Daniel he did
a good job and evaluates his
strengths and weaknesses. His final advice to Daniel:
"practice, practice, practice".

Daniel admits he was
nervous during the audition but
was pleased with his overall performance. Based on this
experience and the feedback from the casino floor
person, he knows which skills to perfect before his
next audition.