How to Audition for
Most students aren't even aware of the casino audition process when they sign up for dealing lessons. They start thinking about it when they have their audition with me -- the final audition before graduating. When they pass this final audition I give them a run-through of how to audition at a casino. Here's what you need to know about auditions. Some of these things are more important than the actual test itself.
Appearance Once we get past the clothes it's onward and upward. Ladies should have modest makeup and men should be clean shaven. Hair should be cut with a nice neat look. Men with pony tails need to cut them off -- you can't tuck it into your shirt. If you want a dealing job you'll need to do what's necessary to get it. You've got to cut your hair. Ladies, I suggest that you draw your hair back in a bun. You don't want hair falling in your face while you're dealing. Your long hair prevents the casino from seeing your eyes. This makes it difficult for the floor person to see how you're reacting to customers.
Drug Testing
Background Checks You will also have a financial background check. If you have financial problems it may affect your chances of getting the job. But again, tell the truth on the application.
Which Games Will They
Test Me On?
How to Get an Audition If there are no calls we'll send you out with a list of all of the break-in casinos and tell you who to talk to. We have relationships with the better "break in" casinos in Las Vegas. Many of these are off the strip but they provide the best environment for breaking into the business. Dealers who break in at these smaller casinos often move up through the ranks and get better jobs faster than someone whose first job was on the Strip. When you start at a smaller casino you get a real sense of appreciation for the job, and this will help you as you move up to a larger casino.
Setting Up Your Own
Audition Always use eye contact when you introduce yourself to the floor person. Say something like "Hi, my name is Nick Kallos. I'm a graduate of Casino Gaming School and I'd like to get an interview and an audition." Note that you aren't asking for a "job". Even if they don't have an opening, they may make an opening for you if you are very good.
The Interview
Dealing in a Live Game The dealer will step off to one side -- she'll be out of your way but available if you have a problem. You're taking over a live game with real cards, real players and real money. And it's in real time. It's not like in our school where you can stop everything and correct a mistake. You can't back things up. If you make a mistake you must to ask the dealer or your floor person for help. If you don't know how to pay something, don't fumble with the chips or make a guess. Pause a moment and think about it, or if you simply don't know, ask the dealer or floor person. If you make a mistake on the table there can be a snowball effect, especially if you're trying to deal faster than your mind and hands can work together. Take a deep breath and correct the mistake before moving on to the next hand. Never make a payment or any financial move unless you are confident that you are doing it correctly.
The Importance of
Personality If you're really too nervous to talk and deal during your audition, don't try it. Just approach the table and say, "It's my first audition and I'm a little nervous but we'll have some fun and we're all going to win some money. Good luck." Smile and be friendly. The players will probably be extra nice to you, and the floor person will be impressed that you introduced yourself and wished everyone good luck. If you are comfortable talking, that's great but never slow down or stop the game to talk. The game has to keep flowing, otherwise the casino isn't making any money.
How You Are Evaluated After the floor person has observed you for a few minutes he'll ask the dealer to tap you out. As you leave, thank the players and wish them good luck.
After the Audition On the other hand, they might just tell you they don't need you. If that happens then you know you did poorly at that table. This sometimes happens on the first audition because of nervousness but it's just part of the process. Come back to me and explain what happened. Then we'll work on your weaknesses so you'll do better next time. You'll also feel more confident on your next audition because you'll know what to expect.
Thanks for the Audition -- Nick Kallos For courses and pricing, click here
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